“If not now, when?” | Teresa from Italy
Hear it from our students! / Life in the U.S. / Student Spotlight

“If not now, when?” | Teresa from Italy

This week Teresa from Italy writes an insightful guest post to express her feelings as the exchange year comes to a close. Teresa expertly reveals what it’s really like to be an exchange student, and how through her experiences this year in Nebraska (and with the support of her host family!) she has truly discovered herself. Continue reading

6 Things I Learned as an Exchange Student | Kristin from Norway
Exchange Year 101 / Int'l Education Week / Life in the U.S. / Student Spotlight

6 Things I Learned as an Exchange Student | Kristin from Norway

Kristin from Norway is experiencing America in Washington for the 2015-16 academic year. In celebration of International Education Week, she shares with us 6 things she learned as an exchange student.   1. I take too much for granted.  It sounds weird, but at home, we really live in a bubble. We have a good life. We know … Continue reading